Double Door has been evicted from its location in Wicker Park where it existed for decades after an extended legal battle. Double Door failed to make payments on any of their owed appeal bonds, according to a lawyer representing the club’s landlord.
With the rise of property values in Wicker Park has soared, the rent at the location has increased from $22,000 a month to $33,000, for the 5,000 square foot space. A previous ruling made in the Cook County Circuit Court last year, required Double Door to move out at the end of 2016, but the ruling was appealed, allowing them to stay longer if they continued to pay $26,000 per month. Since then, Double Door has failed to pay any portion of the $468,000 bond that was ordered.
Any potential arrangements may be too late now. An order to evict was carried out Monday morning at Double Door, which was located in Wicker Park at 1572 N. Milwaukee, by the six corners of Milwaukee / Damen / North Ave, for twenty-three years.
Events were scheduled through the end of April, and the future is unclear for future acts being featured, as the website has shows scheduled until the end of April. Double Door has featured many notable bands, including up-and-coming west suburban band called Starchildren – which would become Smashing Pumpkins, and even the Rolling Stones, Veruca salt, and Liz Phair.
Sherwin L. Sucaldito, REALTOR®, GREEN, ABR, CRPM
The Institute of Luxury Home Marketing
Green REsource Council, GREEN
Accredited Buyer’s Representative , ABR
Certified Residential Property Manager, CRPM