Chicago real estate, living and neighborhood perspective

Chicago Real Estate Trends & Statistics

Below are courtesy market reports of Chicago area real estate statistics. These are for review purposes only to gauge the overall market and trend of real estate in the Chicago area and should not be used in determining housing or business goals without discussing with a broker in detail.

Analysis and data (though more specific in nature) such as these, are used in determining value, market trends, and health in specific neighborhood market segments. Feel free to contact me if you need any assistance in understanding this data, or need help in understanding how this data affects your current real estate portfolio or potential future real estate investment.

If you’re looking to purchase your home or investment property in the Chicago or Chicago-land Suburban area, feel free to contact me to discuss factors that may affect your purchase, investment or development.

Monthly Lender Mediated Reports


Chicago’s monthly real estate indicators is a research tool reflecting the residential real estate activity within the 77 officially defined Chicago community area neighborhoods.

Chicago Monthly Indicators

Need help? feel free to contact me and I can discuss how the current market can impact your forthcoming purchase, investment, development or home.

Own commercial property? Feel free to contact me to understand the current market dynamics for your commercial property and to help assist in a real estate plan that is beneficial to both your overall business, goals and finances.

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