Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Whole Foods plan to open a new location in the Englewood neighborhood, an area which has seen minimal quality retail for several decades. Though opposition says that the store and its prices will have a difficult time connecting with consumers, Whole Foods plans to follow the success and methodology of their store in Detroit which faced many of the similar problems but nonetheless the opening has been highly successful. The upscale grocer plans different strategies than their other stores: selling fruit per piece versus by the pound, keeping overhead lower which will help keep prices a bit lower, as well as working out more competitive pricing from their suppliers.
The planned location will be half of what a typical Whole Foods store is – approx 18,000 square feet and will be located Halsted and 63rd.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel is hoping that the new store will help spur development in the area. The store will be part of a larger 13 acre development which is hoping to receive a TIF (tax increment funding).