Chicago real estate, living and neighborhood perspective

Want of Water

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), water covers between 70 and 75 percent of the Earth’s surface, but only one percent of that is available for human use.

World population and demand are increasing, but supply isn’t.  Perhaps more than ever, water efficiency and conservation have become vital.  Programs such as the EPA’s WaterSense, was setup to help further water efficient products, innovation and services.  Some of these products and services were seen firsthand during Greenbuild 2010 last fall in Chicago’s McCormick Place.

Below is some information about the EPA program as well as additional resources that you may want to view.  It is also “Fix a Leak” week, and a great time to make repairs around the home which may not only help conserve water, but save on energy costs as well.

Sherwin is a REALTOR® in the Chicago & Suburban area with @properties. Questions can be forwarded to Sherwin Sucaldito. Originally posted at Realty Evolved

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Sherwin L. Sucaldito, REALTOR®, GREEN, ABR, CRPM
The Institute of Luxury Home Marketing
Green REsource Council, GREEN
Accredited Buyer’s Representative , ABR
Certified Residential Property Manager, CRPM

Creative Commons License Want of Water” by Sherwin Sucaldito is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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