Chicago real estate, living and neighborhood perspective

Sellers Can Learn From Google

Google’s Super Bowl ad about finding love in Paris is a story that home sellers (and salespeople) can learn from.  Is selling your home different from Google’s campaign?  You’re both fighting to get traffic to you.  Numerous competitors in a tough economic environment.  You both believe your product is the best out there.

At some point or another, I am sure a number of people have used the site in some shape or form, whether for its maps, email, search engine etc.  The screenshots used in the campaign did exactly what many people already do every day.  It resonated with people.

Stage your homes to resonate with people in your target demographic.  The purpose of staging is to tell a story as well, on how the home can be used, the potential for space, and highlight its architecture.  Buyers are imagining their story in your home, they don’t necessarily want to see your story, so de-personalizing your home is recommended and keep rooms for intended purposes.  You ever notice how developers usually place abstract artwork, not picture frames with stock photography in their model units?

The campaign was also very simple.  No use of flashy CGI with 3D.  No scantily clad model.  No big explosions.  No celebrities.

Keep your furniture, paints colors and tchotchkes simple.  They don’t have to be expensive designer brands or priceless antiquities from around the world.  Again, they are helping to tell a story.  Unless you are selling a luxury home, or custom home, there is no need to get too eccentric.

I think one of the more subtle points of the ad was that they showed a problem, and then not only the results, but the continued story.  The ad didn’t just end with the couple getting married.  It’s about continuing the story as well, and future potential.

Have you addressed the concerns of your audience?  Learn and get feedback from people looking at your home.  It isn’t just about you having parking available like everyone else, it’s about the expansion of a new building that will make parking more valuable on this side of the street.  The possibility of expanding for additional rooms in the attic or garden-level.  It’s not only an excellent view, but zoning restrictions will preserve it. Ability to convert spaces. All possibilities that are up to the future buyer to continue.

Sherwin is a REALTOR® in the Chicago & Suburban area with @properties. Questions can be forwarded to Sherwin Sucaldito

Creative Commons License

”Sellers Can Learn From Google” by Sherwin Sucaldito is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at Realty Evolved

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