Builders, landlords and investors are carefully watching the apartment sector, determining the health, and potential decline of demand and return of investment in the city. With the pace of apartment building and current supply increasing recently there are concerns that there could potentially be an oversupply. After the bust, the […]
#200478943-001 / With many homeowners’ spending power getting squeezed from the economy, or from sapped equity from the market downtown in previous years, many are becoming more creative in finding ways to make their home more affordable and produce cash flow in unique ways. Many of these ideas could […]
As the summer comes upon as, one of the busiest rental seasons is expected. With the expected high demand of rentals, developers are rushing to meet the demand. Occupancies in Class A apartment buildings in the Chicago downtown area are hovering around 95% (Appraisal Research Counselors), and developers are more […]
With many owners either unable to sell their home, or deciding to delay the sale, many have become situational landlords. Additionally, the heavy activity of distressed properties became a viable investment tool for many cash-ready purchasers. Cash flow properties, attractive capitalization rates and returns were at times performing better than other investment vehicles.
I had some questions about rentals, especially with the rental season around the corner. I have added additional information to answer some of the questions I received. Originally published at by Sherwin Sucaldito.
With the current economic situation, one thing has been very common for many of us… our credit has been destroyed.